The option to stay in the closet and seek healing in a safe, non threatening environment.
The option to stay in the closet and seek healing in a safe, non threatening environment.
I hear stories of men being raped or abused and their terrible secrets. Men need a safe place for camaraderie, to be themselves, bond and heal no matter what his religion, status or sexual orientation, a place without fear of ridicule, a place where core values like respect, owning your feelings and being kind are encouraged. We have Discussions Groups such as “Surviving childhood rape, not carrying guilt or self hate”, “How to be a better father”, “Life after Divorce” and “Living with a Terminal Illness”.
MLK, Gandhi and Lennon’s fight for civil rights led to gay men’s outreach to the straight male. With Bromance and same-sex marrage, now en vogue, safe sanctuaries like CCR start-up where masculine intimacy is accepted whether it is platonic or sexual.
How do we explain male bonding in which truly heterosexual men watch porn together, slap each other’s asses on the football field and want a night out with the boys?